Monday, June 18, 2012


Knowledge means understanding, person’s information or awareness. To me knowledge is that if you had something know about a particular thing that is Knowledge. To get knowledge is the right of everyone. Hazrat   Mohammad S.A.W. (P.B.U.H) once said, “To get Knowledge is the responsibility of every men and women”. But think for some minute are we really obeying this statement?

I believe that we are not obeying this statement, because everywhere we see that every girl has to suffer many problems to get knowledge. We are lesser than other countries because we are not acting upon our Prophet teachings we are not acting on his statements. 

“Knowledge Is Power”! Why Knowledge is power? Because it is Knowledge which teaches us the difference between good and evil, it is Knowledge which help us how to present ourselves to others, it is Knowledge which is responsible for countries pride, remember that “Knowledgeable person and unknowledgeable person are not same”.

U.K, U.S.A, U.A.E, ENGLAND, CHINA, INDIA, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, JAPAN, even BANGLADESH progress is increasing day by day, why they are developing day by day?

Because they all had one weapon that is Knowledge. In Pakistan more than 50% children can’t get knowledge due to uncertainty conditions, their parents do not have money to educate their child.

Dear readers it is our responsibility to educate our countries children, if we want to get success and make our country a better country, we should look at this serious problem. This is the most serious problem and challenge for our country. Because when we give importance to Knowledge, then we will definitely get success, believe me “Knowledge will definitely change our life”.
Knowledge should be used for peace, prosperity and growth. Knowledge must be acquired and shared as a collective effort. Lack of knowledge leads to poverty and absence of economic prosperity.

 “Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught.”


  1. Reader's are the leaders.... Mashallah Like it....

  2. yes his cause was superb but she got used ... as all of us are being used and we don't know even!! :-)
