Wednesday, October 10, 2012

MALALA Yousuf Zai .. A Shining Star of PAKISTAN

A shining star born in 1998 in SWAT District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa her name is “MALALA Yousuf Zai”. A girl who didn’t know about her future, what kind of critical situations she has to face in her future and what kind of struggle she has to make to get Education…

When she was born, there were very much critical situations in SWAT, there was a war which is going between Pakistan Army and the Terrorists, every day many people loses their life… many school, college and buildings are destroyed by the terrorists, who are against the Education. Their aim is to destroy and capture this country (Pakistan). In these situations this star grew like a hope for the people of SWAT. She knew that all these situations are occurring because of lack of Education and she understand the value of Education in the early stage of her life. Therefore she took the decision that she wants to get Education by hook or by crook.

In the age of 12 when the situations of SWAT were not good, she started writing a diary in which she write about the situations of SWAT and wrote about the lack of Education for girls, with the help of her writing, she spread the voice of people of SWAT to the World. She struggle for the Education especially for girls…

For this courageous step and for outstanding services for the promotion of peace under extremely critical situations, she was awarded the first National Peace Award by the Pakistani government on December 19th, 2011.

Speaking to the media afterwards, she expressed her aim to form a political party focused on Education. Immediately, the Govt. Girls Secondary School, Mission Road, was renamed as MALALA Yousuf Zai Govt. Girls Secondary School in her honor.  

We all know that future is hidden from all of us and if future is not hidden from us we were not hopeful. Same as this star did, she had hope that one day this will change; one day there will be peace in SWAT, and in Pakistan. But on October 9th, 2012 a coward terrorist stopped the school van and after the identification of MALALA, he shoots on her head.

Right now this brave girl is fighting with life and death.
I pray that may ALLAH give her long life…

In the end I humbly request you to pray for this brave girl...


Saturday, September 15, 2012


PEACE means absence of war and other conflicts. To me PEACE means a place where you live happily and enjoy your life where you can find no hardships of life, like in Masjid, Church, Mandir etc. you can find PEACE because it is the place where you worship and forget all your problems.

Giving smile to a person is also a symbol of PEACE.
We can give PEACE by giving a smile to those persons who did not have time to enjoy their life, their faces are always in fear and they always look in tensions because of the hardships of life, just give a smile to these persons and then look their reaction, we can also give PEACE to those persons who are in trouble, help them and after helping those persons you can feel PEACE and the small smile which comes on your face after doing this act will definitely feel you proud.

Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H once said; 

“Mankind are the family of God, and the most beloved of them to God are those who are the most excellent to His family."

"Not one of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”

Let us first see what the Holy Quran says to do in order to establish PEACE. 

He who abandons kindness abandons religion. The Holy Qur’an teaches that whoever kills a person without justifiable cause will be as if he has killed the whole World. In the same way, I say that if someone is unkind to his brother, it is like he is unkind to the whole World.

Whenever, I see on television, there are so many peoples who talk about situation of Pakistan and say that it is a terrorist country;

why they say this? They have no right to declare any country a terrorist. I know that there isn’t a good image in the eyes of other people for the people of Pakistan. To be a Pakistani is not crime, it is crime to think Pakistani or any other country a terrorist. I thank to ALLAH for making me a Muslim and Pakistani.

I am a Muslim and I am proud to be a Muslim, I want a PEACEful nation and I want my nation free from wars and all conflicts.

We are Pakistani and we are loving and carrying people. We also want PEACE in our World as much as you want. We are all brothers and sisters and we have come from an almighty source and we are here to love and support each other.

Think about what you can do to help another person today.

Some Quotes on PEACE...

“It isn't enough to talk about PEACE, one must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it, one must work for it.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt

“If we have no PEACE, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other” 
- Mother Teresa

PEACE cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” 
- Albert Einstein

“You can bring PEACE in the World by loving and carrying but you cannot bring PEACE in the World with the help of weapons.” 
- Muhammad Uzair Adamjee 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Thank you means “express gratitude to”. To me Thank you means express your thankfulness in words. If someone helps us in our difficult times, we should be thankful to him/her.  If someone saves our life, we should be thankful to him/ her.  If someone gives us books, we should be thankful to him/her. If we buy some clothes or anything for wearing we should be thankful to our parents because they have given us money for buying it. But beside all these we should first thank to Allah who has given us all the resources to live a better and happy life than others.  

We are Muslims! This is a big gift from Almighty ALLAH and we should thank to ALLAH every day for it.

We have to thank to ALLAH for everything he has given to us but today we are busy in our lives and we don’t have time to thank to ALLAH who is the creator of this Universe, who is the creator of our soul, who give us legs to move, eyes to see, ear to hear, hands for handling etc.  in our body , who give us house to live, who gives us clothes to wear and everyday he gives us so many things to eat, there are so many things which ALLAH has given to us and we can’t count them. But we take out pins from it and never thank to Allah for his blessings. Ask the values of this thing from the people who don’t have it..

If someone have a lots of things to eat on the dining table and don’t have cold drinks they get angry. Why they don’t thank to ALLAH for giving them so many things? Why they are lack of gratitude? 
Today whatever we have, whatever we are, we should thank to ALLAH.

Dear readers make this habit from now onwards, that you will thank to ALLAH every day.  And you do respect your parent’s everyday because it is the biggest gift from Almighty ALLAH, because those people whose parents are not alive ask the value of Parents from them.

Monday, July 16, 2012

How We Can Change Our Country??

This is our past, when we were all brothers, we were supporting each other and we have strong feelings for each other.

But today, are we brothers?

How can we change our country? It is a big question for the people of Pakistan but there isn't anybody who would like to give answer of this question. In Karachi every day many people loses their life in target killing, traffic accidents and many reasons. Why this is happening with us?

If we ask someone about why this all is happening, they say that all these loses is now a daily routine, it has become a habit of some people to kill any honest person every day.

I hear every day from our elders and friends that if you have to study... Go out of Pakistan like U.K, U.S.A, GERMANY, MALAYSIA, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, etc. They say that this country is not a good place to live now; if our elders say this then how can we change our life, our country…?

We are not a developing country.., 

why our name is not in the developing countries?

It is because we don’t give importance to KNOWLEDGE. This is the main reason that we are not moving ahead, this is the reason that we are not among the developing countries. In Pakistan more than 50% children cannot get education, because their parents don’t have money to educate them or they can’t afford the fees of private schools. These children want to get educated but due to these circumstances they don’t get Education. But those children whose parents are able to educate them, they don’t have interest to study, to do something for country. If one person is trying to teach anything, it is our responsibility to grab it and listen what he is saying.

In this situation it is our responsibility to educate the children of our country, if we learn A to Z alphabets or if we learn 1 to 100 counting, it is our duty to share these Knowledge with those who don’t know these things, if we had only one weapon Knowledge, we shall soon achieve success in the World.

Today, people of other countries don’t respect us; we are Terrorist according to their views;

We have to change their perception; we have to tell them what we are and what we can do. There are many ways to change the World but if we act upon our Prophets teachings and act upon the Holy QURAN… We will have success one day... INSHAAllah.

Dear readers I think we have to change the minds of people if anyone says that this country is not the place of living answer them if this country is not the place to live then why are you living here .. Go leave this country! We have to thank ALLAH that he gives us a country where we can see all four seasons, this country give you place to live and now you want to leave this country. It is our responsibility to save this country by helping each other to make brotherhood strong and if we have unity... No one can defeat us. I know many people will agree with this article but this is not the purpose of this article, if someone really acts upon it that is the main purpose of this article. 

Monday, June 18, 2012


Knowledge means understanding, person’s information or awareness. To me knowledge is that if you had something know about a particular thing that is Knowledge. To get knowledge is the right of everyone. Hazrat   Mohammad S.A.W. (P.B.U.H) once said, “To get Knowledge is the responsibility of every men and women”. But think for some minute are we really obeying this statement?

I believe that we are not obeying this statement, because everywhere we see that every girl has to suffer many problems to get knowledge. We are lesser than other countries because we are not acting upon our Prophet teachings we are not acting on his statements. 

“Knowledge Is Power”! Why Knowledge is power? Because it is Knowledge which teaches us the difference between good and evil, it is Knowledge which help us how to present ourselves to others, it is Knowledge which is responsible for countries pride, remember that “Knowledgeable person and unknowledgeable person are not same”.

U.K, U.S.A, U.A.E, ENGLAND, CHINA, INDIA, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, JAPAN, even BANGLADESH progress is increasing day by day, why they are developing day by day?

Because they all had one weapon that is Knowledge. In Pakistan more than 50% children can’t get knowledge due to uncertainty conditions, their parents do not have money to educate their child.

Dear readers it is our responsibility to educate our countries children, if we want to get success and make our country a better country, we should look at this serious problem. This is the most serious problem and challenge for our country. Because when we give importance to Knowledge, then we will definitely get success, believe me “Knowledge will definitely change our life”.
Knowledge should be used for peace, prosperity and growth. Knowledge must be acquired and shared as a collective effort. Lack of knowledge leads to poverty and absence of economic prosperity.

 “Education is what remains when we have forgotten all that we have been taught.”

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Believe in ALLAH

Believe means (having faith), but think that can we really believe in ALLAH, sorry but this is true that in spite of all we did not thank to ALLAH, he gives us so much but we did not give importance, if we not get what we pray to ALLAH we say bad comments to everyone, but why we do this… Remember! Whatever ALLAH do, it is good for us, but we did not give importance. This is very important that we should believe in (Tauheed) which is ALLAH is one, having no helpers or partners.

Everything you see around the world is created by Almighty ALLAH, the stars, the heavens, the earth; the trees, the sun and the moon, all of these have been created by ALLAH. This also means that ALLAH is the controller of everything, nothing happen if he doesn’t will for it to happen. A Muslim must believe this, a Muslim must not believe in some other false God that can somehow create, or protect them etc. 

Let me give you an example of my own …

After a lot of hard work throughout the year, that day was came when my  paper was coming to an end, the day started and I was really nervous no doubt but in spite of this nervousness I was feeling very easy, I recite (the HOLY QURAN) after namaz-e-fajar, I prayed to ALLAH that I did not know what the paper was coming but I knew that I work really hard and I believe that “handwork never goes unwell” and with this belief I left my home and went to the centre where the paper was holding, I was smiling throughout the way, I did not know why but there was a relief before the paper was started. Than the paper started and  when I see the paper, I saw that I can attempt  every question but I did not have any confidence, but there was a voice which was whistling in my ear and I hear that it was telling that “You can do it” , try it ALLAH is here to help and ALLAH is always there when you hard work and with this inspiration I started my paper and I did it before the time was ended and when I did my paper I felt very ease and after that I thanked my dear ALLAH, in the end I say that  “We should always thanked to ALLAH because ALLAH does not do wrong with anybody and whatever he do  there is something better for us in his every act and whatever he gives, there is something better for us.”

Dear readers I say that believe that what ALLAH do it is good for us. After reading this if at least one reader be changed I believe that my mission is accomplished. If you have faith in ALLAH than remember that what he give it is good for us and what he not give it is not good for us.