Wednesday, August 14, 2013



Our country name is “Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. It was separated from India on 14th August, 27th Ramadan. After its establishment there was no place to accommodate the peoples who migrated from India and to give them basic necessities of life. On one occasion Quaid-e-Azam said,
                              “If we are to exist as a nation we have to face these problems.” 

And on one occasion he said,
“The foundation of your state have been laid and it is now on you to build as quickly as you can.”

Now after 66 years of getting independence Pakistan is facing too many problems but on the other hand it is progressing as well. In this establishment our Army, Air force, Navy are playing an important role. We are safe in this country because of our army that keeps the Border of our country safe from the external enemies. Many soldiers lost their life from 1947 to 2013 for the sake of this motherland and only to protect us from external and internal powers. They are martyrdom of our country; they are protectors of our country. They didn’t protect our borders but also protect us from air hazards and water hazards. When there are unexpected troubles in life these force become united to save the Nation.

There are many  heroes  but whoever I know I am writing about them and for those who I don’t know very well but I know that they all are our country heroes. Their parents readily give them permission to go and save the country and when the time come to fight for the Nation they are ready to stand and protect us even they are ready to die without any care of their family, kids etc, they only care for their country and its people because they have been taught that “Your first priority is your country.” It could be said that “Pages will come be ended but the contributions of our people for this country can’t over.”

Major Aziz Bhatti lost his life in an attack of Indian Army. Pilot Rashid Minhas sacrifices his life because he realized that his co-pilot was heading towards India he tried to regain control of the plane but was unable to do so, he knew that all the controls were damaged and both the pilots tried to overpower the other, as Rashid Minhas controls the plane, it was very near to ground he failed to manage and he lost his life through this way he safe the country’s privacy. Captain Ahmed sacrifices his life only to save children of this country from terrorists. I can only write about few of the heroes because I have heard about them, but I can’t write about all the heroes who sacrifice their lives for our country. In the end I tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives in the glacier came on 7 April 2012, they were not known that they would not get the chance to see the morning of the next day, they all are protecting the borders at mountains, hills of our country from any circumstances. There are many places where they cannot eat the daily food which we eat; they cannot live the life which we live because they have the passion, craze to serve their country.

Don’t think what this country gives us; the main thing is that what we are doing for this country. We can bring any change whatever we want for the prosperous of this country, if we have willed to do.
Think about It….

Monday, February 18, 2013


When Quaid-e-Azam get independence from the britishers, he didn’t know that what situation would became after he went from this world. He struggle for independence on to get freedom for their people where they could live freely without any external pressure.

But today after 65 years he went from this world, this country becomes an irregular place to live because every day many people loses their lives in bomb blasting, target killing etc. This country is one of the beautiful countries in the world; there are so many natural beauty and natural thing which we cannot count. This is one of the peaceful countries in the world. But there are few people who are trying to destroy its peace.

Every day maximum 10 to 15 peoples lose their life’s in Karachi due to target killing. They didn’t know why they are killing and who are killing them. This is everyday routine, no one is there who gives security to them. Every day many mothers loses their son and husbands and many sisters loses loses their brothers and fathers. But nobody is there to solve these problems and helped them.

From the verse of Quran whose translation is that:
“A time came when the person who is killed, he didn’t know why he was killing, and the person who is killing he didn’t why he was killing."

In Quetta a community known as Hazara Communty, is being targeted for last few months by the terrorists. On 20 September 2011, at least 26 Hazaras were shot dead execution style in a Baloch-dominated area of Mastung/Luk-Pass near Quetta. Armed terrorists intercepted a bus which is going to Taftan, border town near the Iran border, singled out all Hazara men, and shot them dead. Terrorists stayed at that area for 10 minutes firing with AK-47's to ensure that no one survived. In the month of January a bomb blasts was occurred in which many people’s died and on February 16th, 2013 Quetta was again targeted in which 90 peoples loses their lives and more than 150 people were injured among which 17 were children, what was their mistake? For what purpose they were killed? This is the question which I and people of this country are asking…

In the end, I prayed to Almighty ALLAH that may the peoples of this country live freely and may ALLAH give patience to the people of Hazara Community and those who lose their relatives and may the can get justice…May this country becomes a peaceful country.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

MALALA Yousuf Zai .. A Shining Star of PAKISTAN

A shining star born in 1998 in SWAT District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa her name is “MALALA Yousuf Zai”. A girl who didn’t know about her future, what kind of critical situations she has to face in her future and what kind of struggle she has to make to get Education…

When she was born, there were very much critical situations in SWAT, there was a war which is going between Pakistan Army and the Terrorists, every day many people loses their life… many school, college and buildings are destroyed by the terrorists, who are against the Education. Their aim is to destroy and capture this country (Pakistan). In these situations this star grew like a hope for the people of SWAT. She knew that all these situations are occurring because of lack of Education and she understand the value of Education in the early stage of her life. Therefore she took the decision that she wants to get Education by hook or by crook.

In the age of 12 when the situations of SWAT were not good, she started writing a diary in which she write about the situations of SWAT and wrote about the lack of Education for girls, with the help of her writing, she spread the voice of people of SWAT to the World. She struggle for the Education especially for girls…

For this courageous step and for outstanding services for the promotion of peace under extremely critical situations, she was awarded the first National Peace Award by the Pakistani government on December 19th, 2011.

Speaking to the media afterwards, she expressed her aim to form a political party focused on Education. Immediately, the Govt. Girls Secondary School, Mission Road, was renamed as MALALA Yousuf Zai Govt. Girls Secondary School in her honor.  

We all know that future is hidden from all of us and if future is not hidden from us we were not hopeful. Same as this star did, she had hope that one day this will change; one day there will be peace in SWAT, and in Pakistan. But on October 9th, 2012 a coward terrorist stopped the school van and after the identification of MALALA, he shoots on her head.

Right now this brave girl is fighting with life and death.
I pray that may ALLAH give her long life…

In the end I humbly request you to pray for this brave girl...


Saturday, September 15, 2012


PEACE means absence of war and other conflicts. To me PEACE means a place where you live happily and enjoy your life where you can find no hardships of life, like in Masjid, Church, Mandir etc. you can find PEACE because it is the place where you worship and forget all your problems.

Giving smile to a person is also a symbol of PEACE.
We can give PEACE by giving a smile to those persons who did not have time to enjoy their life, their faces are always in fear and they always look in tensions because of the hardships of life, just give a smile to these persons and then look their reaction, we can also give PEACE to those persons who are in trouble, help them and after helping those persons you can feel PEACE and the small smile which comes on your face after doing this act will definitely feel you proud.

Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H once said; 

“Mankind are the family of God, and the most beloved of them to God are those who are the most excellent to His family."

"Not one of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”

Let us first see what the Holy Quran says to do in order to establish PEACE. 

He who abandons kindness abandons religion. The Holy Qur’an teaches that whoever kills a person without justifiable cause will be as if he has killed the whole World. In the same way, I say that if someone is unkind to his brother, it is like he is unkind to the whole World.

Whenever, I see on television, there are so many peoples who talk about situation of Pakistan and say that it is a terrorist country;

why they say this? They have no right to declare any country a terrorist. I know that there isn’t a good image in the eyes of other people for the people of Pakistan. To be a Pakistani is not crime, it is crime to think Pakistani or any other country a terrorist. I thank to ALLAH for making me a Muslim and Pakistani.

I am a Muslim and I am proud to be a Muslim, I want a PEACEful nation and I want my nation free from wars and all conflicts.

We are Pakistani and we are loving and carrying people. We also want PEACE in our World as much as you want. We are all brothers and sisters and we have come from an almighty source and we are here to love and support each other.

Think about what you can do to help another person today.

Some Quotes on PEACE...

“It isn't enough to talk about PEACE, one must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it, one must work for it.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt

“If we have no PEACE, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other” 
- Mother Teresa

PEACE cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” 
- Albert Einstein

“You can bring PEACE in the World by loving and carrying but you cannot bring PEACE in the World with the help of weapons.” 
- Muhammad Uzair Adamjee